
Can I Be Pregnant ? I haven't seen my periods since April?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't seen my period since april and every since then my boyfriend have been ejaculating in me every since that and i took a pregnancy test and it said negative. Could i be pregnant ??




  1. Oh yeah I'll bet you have a bun in the oven

  2. If you have to ask this question twice only wording it differently then your to young to be having s*x, and I pray your not pregnant because it would be a pity to bring a child into your life until you have gotten past the sixth grade.  From your question I would not believe you past middle school.

  3. Unless youre still young and your period is still irregular,but if youve missed it for that long than yes.

    Although,by now you would atleast see a little more stomache and should show signs of pregnancy.If you dont see any at all then youre probably under stress.Go to the doctor for a check up and he can tell you.

  4. the most accurate is te doctor

  5. If you were pregnant, you'd be 4 months, and a HPT would most certainly give a + result.

    However, it's VERY foolish of you to keep having unprotected s*x, even though there is no period. You could have only been late for say, 1 month, but then because you were having s*x, you became pregnant at a later stage. So, yes you could bbe pregnant.

    In regards to your lack of period, are you underweight? Have you gine through a stressful time lately? Have you had any major problems in your life? They could all delay your period. You should go to the doc and get checked out. Missing periods always have an explanation, they don't just dissapere.

    Good luck, and please, for your own sake, use protection.

  6. go get check why do teens keep asking this question. if you think your pregnant go and get tested. its not that hard to comprehend

  7. u might so go see a doc

  8. Maybe. Have you had any morning sickness, increased appetite, or are you showing a little? Go see a doctor even if the answer is no, but especially if its yes.

  9. you could very well be. go to the doctor and tell them whats going on

  10. Very possible.  I had several negative urine tests when I was pregnant with my children.  Go to the doctor and ask for a blood test.  You will get your true answer then.  

    I hope you get the answer you want!

  11. You  could be especally since he goes in you all the time now so if you werent before you could be now. I would take another test though and you should go to the doctors cus even if your not pregnant you should find out what is keeping your period.  

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