
Can I Be a Legal Aid to Help Rape Victims?

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I was raped at age 18 and also sexually assaulted at age 20 (digital penetration).

My dream is to go to law school and become an attorney. However, I want to donate my free time to assist rape victims. It is my understanding that rape victims don't have a legal representative to represent their best interests and support them, because the prosecutor represents the state, not the specific victim.

Are their pro bono attorneys that come to the court house and ask to give free legal aid/support to sexual assault/rape victims?

I hope to complete a joint PhD/JD program in law school. So if I have that joint degree, can I also provide free psychological counseling?

I got an STD from 2nd sexual assault. Also, I was too scared to report the first one becuase the guy told everyone it was consentual, and everyone believed him. I was called "s**t" and "w***e" repeatedly and my boyfriend dumped me over it. I am no longer depressed about it. I am moved on and empowered, but I want to help other victims feel empowered!!

Could I also do pro bono work at a Domestic Violence Shelter/ What about a Rape Crisis Shelter?

Is there any way I could contact rape victims that are too scared to report it and convince them to report the crime?




  1. As an attorney you would be required to perform hours Pro Bono and it would be your discretion what area you chose to pursue, further as a practicing attorney you could legally advertise for this certain area of practice and handle these cases at your discretion, volunteer work at a domestic violence shelter is open to the public and an attorney would be a welcome asset to any of them.~

  2. >  Are their pro bono attorneys that come to the court house and ask to

    give free legal aid/support to sexual assault/rape victims?

    Maybe you would do well to understand the difference between civil and criminal law, then the answer would be clear to you :)

    > I hope to complete a joint PhD/JD program in law school. So if I have thatjoint degree, can I also provide free psychological counseling?

    Depends on what the PhD is in. My gf has a PhD psychology, but you hardly need that training to counsel rape victims.

    Try a rape crisis center.

    BTW, doing both (counseling and providing legal advice to the same person) probably violates the ethics rules of both professions.

    BTW, since many gf treats lots of folks like you, I read between the lines that you would do well from counseling are not "on" and you are not "empowered". Trust me, it will come back to you some day. Or don't trust me, ask the folks at any Rape Crisis Center.

    BTW, it is creepy that you think you can contact rape victims that have not reported anything - how would you know they were raped unless you were there or they somehow contacted you? That you even have such an idea is why I think you are projecting your own needs on others, and would do well to seek out a therapist...

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