
Can I Buy/Rent Parking Space In Front Of My House?

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I live in Philadelphia, PA. I was wondering is there a way I can buy or rent parking space in front of my house? Because I get off from work really late and by the time I am home there nomore parking spot. It is a street that I live on.




  1. If you have a house, why do you not have a parking pad, carport, or garage?

  2. No you cannot rent a space on the public road..........

  3. The streets are owned buy the city. They do not have a habit of renting out parking spots. You can ask but I think they will just laugh at you. Maybe you can start a new trend.

  4. In response to one of the posts.

    Please DO NOT ask your local government if you can rent parking spaces.

    I am sure they will revel at the idea to get us to pay them more money...

    before we know it you will have to pay to park even in front of your own home...

  5. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that once your garbage is to the curb, it is public domain, I would think that this includes all areas beyond the dividing line of your yard and sidewalk, or yard and street. Therefore your car on the street is not parked on your property and it is on state property. In short...No is the answewr to your question.

  6. Build a garage, and the city will give you a permit for a driveway. No one can block the driveway.

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