
Can I Cary Cigarettes+Lighter On Plane?

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Im 15 Years Old & Was Woundering Whether It Would Be Ok For A Person Of This Age To Be Carying Ciggarettes On Them? I Dont Want My Parents To Find Out So I Dont Want To Be Stopped? What Would Happen If I Put Them In My Suitcase? Would They Get Searched? Or Stopped?

Please Answer With Somthing Desent Not Just Give Up Then You Wont Have The Problem.





  1. first of all, im not gonna give u a lecture about why you shouldnt smoke at age 15 because you should know that by yourself.

    you cannot carry a lighter onto a plane. they will probably find it and they will confiscate it. cigarettes, you can carry though.

  2. No.  You're underage.

  3. no you cant they will take them away in the airport so just buy them when you get off the plane.

  4. TSA will no longer ban common lighters in carry-on luggage as of August 4, 2007. Torch lighters remain banned in carry-ons.

    You can also carry-on cigarettes.  However, I would recommend put both in your checked luggage because you are underage.

  5. Lighters are prohibited on your person or in your carry-on luggage.

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