
Can I Do This????????????

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I want to have s*x but can i just go into a shop and buy condoms or do i have to be a certain age to buy them im 16 and im a girl




  1. First of all, congratulations on being intelligent enough to be using condoms! Bloody good on you!!! Second, you can be any age but you can also get them for free from a family planning clinic.

  2. Go buy them and be safe if, that's what you want.

  3. you can buy them


  4. No age doesn't matter when buying condoms. be brave and go get some yourself. make ur bf come with you. hehe. : )

  5. You can actually go buy them if you're ten if you want! It'd be wrong and totally against the law to say no to you.

    I  would see which one of you looks older and have the one who looks older go do it, just so you don't get weird stares.

    I think s*x is the VERY best if it's the night you get married and it's the first time.

    Picture this: you'd known each other many years and just got done getting married, wonderful wedding. Neither of you have seen each other without clothes on before hand so this is so new! How special of a night would that be?

    Some poeople dont see it that way and if you dont, thats okay! Im proud oif you for being safe about your choice! =)

  6. You can do it! GO AND BUY THEM!!!

  7. you don't have to be any particular age. you can buy them

  8. In some public toilets you can get them out of the same vending machines that do the tampons.  Although some people are having a joke about what size he is, it is pretty serious, because if it's too big it won't work.

  9. Just go and buy them.... BUT you may wanna ask you BF what size he is as if you get the wrong size it can higher the chances of sperm getting in and you getting pregnant. So either ask him to get it or talk to him about it.

  10. just walk in and buy them. its all good

  11. Awesome that you are thinking ahead and planning on getting condoms.  You should also be seeing a gynecologist if you are sexually active as he/she can screen you for sexually transmitted diseases (condoms are incredibly helpful to protect you but are NOT 100% effective) and also just make sure you are the healthiest you can be.   If you are too uncomfortable to see a doctor about having s*x then you are not old enough to be having s*x!

  12. you dont have to be any particular age or gender

    comdoms are even sold in supermarkets so almost anybody (except toddlers) are able to buy them

    hope that helped you out :)

  13. Just go buy them i dont think you have to be a certain age

  14. jus walk in and buy them u mite get a few funny luks of em but **** em who cares at least ur clever enuf to protect urself...

  15. good luck, and may the force be with you.......

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