
Can I Eat 1 Hour After Already Eating?

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Are there any negatives to this?

I'm bodybuilding and trying to gain muscle mass, sometimes I don't get the time to eat a meal every 2 or 3 hours, so can I eat a meal 1 hour after already having one?




  1. no  because u should only eat 3 times a day if u eat more than that u could gain weight and not muscles

  2. okay the thing with doing that is idk how well ur food wil digest before hand ive tried doing this all it did was make me feel sick..i think it's much easier to eat ust a larger meal and go 4-5hrs u know doing that aint gonna kill u but eating 1hr after ur meal idk not gonna much of a difference u know i get in 5meals a day and one is spaced out like this ilast cuz the meal before and after are a bit larger it's a 5hr span usually and i seem to be okay havent lost any muscle doing so so u can but it's up to u there arent any bad effects if ur stomach can handle it

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