
Can I Get A Good Job If I Had Beard Like This?

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  1. I dont see why not. Ive heard of racism and sexism but not beardism...... Maybe some people would judge you for it but probably not as long as you dress presentably and show them your the man for the job

  2. I think Kerry King's job is pretty good! hasnt held him it shouldnt to you! (although had a similar beard for a long time...and my job is cack...but the job came before the beard!)

  3. well i wish it was all that easy, a beard apparently makes a guy look untidy..which i think is stupid, if you can do the job then why shouldnt they employ you...

    there is no equality no matter what people say, good luck on the job hunting

  4. if you had a beard like that yes. if you look like that probably not, unless you can play an instrument

  5. I guess so, as long as you keep it groomed and clean, I don't see any reason for it to have any effect on potential employment.

  6. I have studied this question for a few hours now and can see not even the slightest link to anything concerned with the Royalty category.Sadly,Moyra D saw this a couple of hours before I did.I should have gone with my intuition and not into lengthy searches on the subject.I do seem to have wasted an inordinate amount of time.

  7. I am at a loss here. What has a beard got to do with royalty ?

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