
Can I Get Custody of My Niece?

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I am only 19, but I am the only family she has willing to take her. The state took her away from her parents. Do you think it is possible for me to get custody of her over foster care?




  1. Yes it is possible for you to take her. If she was taken from her parents, she really needs someone to be there for her that actually loves her. CPS has sooo many children who need homes and if there are family members willing to take in another family member, they would almost always prefer that. You would have to contact authorities and find out where she is and all that. You would have to make your wishes known that you want to take her and then they would do an investigation. They would probably let her stay with you and be her care provider for now, but in order to actually get guardianship of her and become her adoptive mom, you would have to go through more extensive testing. They would want to make sure you have a safe environment for her to live in, with food and water, and that you are mentally and emotionally stable to care for her and that you can provide basic necessitates for her. If you care for her as a foster parent for now, they would give you funding for clothes, food, etc for her. Definitely get into contact with the right people. You most likely can! I think its great that you're willing to do that for her.

  2. I think you can! Good luck.

  3. I agree with Kay1134 I'm going through a similar case w/my nephew, even though I''m married w/kids DCFS  almost always would prefer to place children w/family in your case age could be a factor but maybe not. Be sure to be willing to adopt completly b/c they want to place w/someone willing to adopt(you would have to pay a fee but the state will reimbers you most of the time.from what I'm told!)Depending on how many chances the family has had Parental rights might not of been terminated yet and there might be a chance they could get her back-talk with DCFS. If you are really serious and willing, good for you! -Just get your running/jumping shoes on b/c there is ALOT of running,paperwork,background checks, proof of relation(you would need her birth certificate, and which ever parent your related to,your birth cert.), you need a current drivers license, SS#, safe environment-meds locked up along/ chemicals, guns,  have a fire exstinguisher and many many other things I am still working on but he is in my home and safe with us!Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. Generally if you can show the court you are financially able to take care of her, that you have a place for her to live, and that you are family, they would rather place her with family.  Of course, you also have to show that you aren't going to just hand her over to her mom and dad again too, and you will follow the court ordered visitation if there is any.

  5. If you are mentally stable and have the funds and a place to live you can petition the courts and they will at least look into it. You will have to show that you are ready willing and able to provide for her. Good Luck I wish you the best.

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