
Can I House Garter Snakes Together?

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I want to get some in the near future and I was woundering if I can house two together and if I can how big does their tank have to be? Will they mate without hibernating?




  1. It is generally recommended that snakes and most reptiles be housed individually, but some keepers house garters in groups.  Size of cage and feeding practices will determine if this can be done.  Here is an excellent site:

  2. Dont listen to neat freak only some type of snakes like to be with each other like garter snakes. its better to have them together. but for corn snakes boas pythons.. u shouldnt house them together.

  3. Leave the wild animals where they belong in the wild.

  4. As far as I'm concerned, you can gather up ALL types of snakes, put 'em in a burlap sack, and toss them in the nearest incinerator!!

  5. yes you can house them together during the mating season other wise no. the female is enormous compared to the male and will eat him unless it is the breeding season. all you need to do is turn down the temp and it will count as hibernating.

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