
Can I LEGALLY drink alcohol?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 years old, and have been married for over 2 years. My husband is 22 years old, and we live in Norfolk VA. I have heard about exceptions to the underage drinking laws for married "minors", but I haven't really found much information on it? PLEASE HELP!




  1. Nope

  2. Close, but no cigar (or beer can).  There is an exception made for private consumption in some states, but it is illegal for you in Virginia.

    There is a chart (follow the article past the advertising and click on a state) from an MSNBC article on the debate to lower the drinking age federally.

    Examples range from Georgia, where you have to be married AND accompanied by a non-minor spouse or guardian, to Washington State and Texas where "under 21 may consume alcohol if parent or guardian is present".  Some states (Nevada, Kentucky) merely allow that you must drink it in a private setting.

    Interesting question!

    *Edit*  Oooh ... I see Mayor Adam West has a much better source than I do, so I will defer to him ... thumbs up!

  3. If you really want to drink legally I would advise to visit a foreign country where the legal drinking age is 18+.

    The Bahamas is nice, then there's Cancun, Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahamas.. oh, I already said that :P

  4. Interesting, I've never heard of this.  My guess is if you go to a bar they still won't serve you if your ID says you are under 21.

  5. no but if u want to drink u can go to canada

  6. nope, you gotta wait

  7. actually,  as long as your in your own house you can drink all you want.  it has nothing to do with being married though. As long as your in your own house, and your on the lease, you can drink without being hassled by the police.

  8. In Virginia yes you can.


    as of 1/1/2007

    Underage Possession of Alcohol

    Possession is prohibited WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTION(S):

      Ã¢Â€Â¢  private residence AND EITHER

      Ã¢Â€Â¢  - parent/guardian presence and consent OR

      Ã¢Â€Â¢  - legal-age spouse"

    The above mentioned msnbc chart is in reference to a minor consuming alcohol on their own. Virgina as shown above may prohibit a minor from consuming alcohol by themselves, but they have exceptions to the law when it comes to parents and spouses.

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