
Can I Lose My Financial Aid from Changing Schools and Failing?

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Okay so my school is very expensive and I have to take out 3 loans a year at about $3,000.00 each. The school is very, very small and considered "private" so that's why it's so expensive. Anyway, they make you take a class on how to become a "master student" and require a very extensive portfolio and I don't have anything to put in it so I didn't do it. I know I will be failing that class and I don't want to go to that school anymore anyway, I wish to transfer to another community college in the fall. Is this going to affect my financial aid and can I get financial aid for my new school?




  1. Financial aid is available to all qualified schools. If the school you wish to attend is on the list, it will qualify.

  2. Running away and changing schools isn't going to help your lack of motivation.  If you can't pass the "how to be a good college student" class, you won't likely pass your classes for the next four years.  Take some time off before you make the same mistake at another school and rack up MORE student loans you won't be able to afford to pay back.  You need a little more maturity before you can be successful at college.  

    Yes, poor grades can effect your fin aid, but overall 1 class isn't going to kill you.  Fail several (or make a habit of dropping classes) and you'll loose your funding.

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