
Can I Play Video From My Ipod Classic On the TV?

by  |  earlier

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If so what wire d i need? I saw someone do that with a non ipod and someone said you can do it with an Ipod. I have no idea what c hord they were using whent they hooked up their player.




  1. Placing your iPod in the docking station and then hooking the cables to the television does not work. Period.  Apple has disabled this feature on the Classic, 6th generation. You can do it on the older pods. For now, you have to buy the adapter that hooks to the BOTTOM of the pod. The earphones portion is disabled, however, you can listen to music, just not receive video...until someone hacks it. I'm waiting for that. I even have the type of dvd player that has a USB port and tried hooking up my pod from there, but somehow, Apple has shown files this way to be recognized as text only! For now, you can go to ebay and buy the cable at a discount, otherwise, it costs about $40 to $50 bucks!

  2. Here is the detailed guide on how to play ipod video with large screen TV, you can take it as reference

    Hope it helps, of course, can give you more options

  3. get ipod dock, place ipod in dock, connect wires to tv, play video

    should work!

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