
Can I Put Another Girl Rabbit With My Rabbit?

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I have a female rabbit who is nearly 3 months old... i was wondering if i could get her a female friend to keep get company or will they fight?? I was thinking about buying another female rabbit around her age, or adopting a neutered female what would be best?




  1. Yeah you can. Make sure the new rabbit is a baby female as in my experience they are a lot less likely to fight. My females tend to chase each other about but they're not overly aggressive with one another. Good luck!

  2. no they would just fight and if you get a male and nuter it then you would be fine but you should also get the female spayed

  3. First of all they spay females not neuter and when you introduce one rabbit to an other always have two separate cages so they can get used to each other sitting side by side. There is never any guarantee that they won`t fight, but they get along better if they have a large cage so they have room to get away when they get on each others nerves, it happens.  The younger the better to add a roommate. Females will get along easier than 2 males or a male and female, the male even if he is neutered and she is spayed, he will try to hump her this is just a dominance thing not just sexual.

  4. It's possible, but females tend to be, in my experience, even more territorial than males if both are not spayed.  Even if they get along initially, when your female reaches maturity, there will be fighting.  I would spay your girl first, then adopt a neutered male, that will be the easiest introduction by far.  Read here: for good tips for introducing rabbits.  Good luck!

  5. hey there!

    you would have to get your female spayed  first, to prevent her having aggression/hormones. most vets will spay at either 1kg or 5-6 months.

    then, i would contact your local rescue and adopt a neutured MALE.

    male to female pairing are best, i have 2 pairs of this combination.

    two unneutured same s*x bunnies will fight, and 2 unneutured opposite s*x rabbits would breed every month and the female would be become very unwell having babies every 4 weeks all the time! should have find a rescue near you.

    rescue bunnies are already neutured so your bunny would be able to choose her friend as they have 'dates' to see who they like the best.xx

  6. They sometimes get on and sometimes don't. Your rabbit may already be too old to bond with others. They usually get on when put in a very large living space. There is no point neutering one rabbit but they will live perfectly together if they are both neutered. Rabbits don't really get 'lonely' unless you neglect them.

  7. female rabbits are very territorial

    if they are raised together they will still fight on occasion

    its best not to put another rabbit in with her now

  8. It is possible they will fight as females are extremely territorial and will defend their hutch . it would probably be better if you either introduce them in a new hutch or get a neutered male .

  9. It could work but female bunnies unspayed get a little 'bitchy'. The best pair is male and female, as long as they are both fixed!

    In a few months time you can get your current bunny spayed. Then visit a rescue looking for a neutered male. Most rescue bunnies are neutered, and they also are cheaper than pet stores. Bring your current bunny along so she can choose a bunny she likes to. You will have to bond them over time, it can take anything from a few days to a few months or longer. Picking a rabbit which shows good signs of getting on with your current bunny will make the process easier too. I recommend contacting the shelter beforehand and telling them what you are after, they will be able to help you with your decision!

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