
Can I Put My Green Iguana In A Cage?

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outside? It's a baby green iguana.The cage is 8ft long 6ft in height and 4ft wide.I Don't if its tamed yet?




  1. depends where you live in the world, providing you have decent day and night temeratures then yeah great, cos it would benefit from the natural sunlight which would give it plenty of vitamin d to absorb calcium for good bones, set up the cage with branches for climbing, plenty of vegs dusted in vitamin and calcium supplements and  crickets, hoppers,  and mealworms, tho how you.ll stop em escaping a cage i don,t know, if however you suffer from low temps then no, it,ll have to be a vivarium inside  set up the same way but you,ll need a thermostat to control temps, 86 day. 76 night  and a uvb lamp on eight hours a day to replicate the sun. hope this helps.

  2. Only if you have adequate temperature outside, watch how he handles the cage bars for about an hour because some aren't good with bars.

  3. I know somebody that has an iguana in a cage outside.  Just as long as it's not blazing hot or freezing it should be fine.

  4. As long as there is no plexi glass or glass holding the cage together. The mesh width make sure that your iguana can not pass threw. Also make sure the mesh/wire isn't chicken wire.

    Watch for signs of over heating while your iguana is outside. For young iguanas make sure you don't let them outside when it's below 70F or too windy and cold. Also make sure that you providing a shaded area, along w/ water pan (cat litter box can do for young iguanas - of course only water not cat litter). Watch for signs of over heating, having a temp gun I'd recommend specially for outside, due to heat/humidity can over heat iguana faster then you might think. Also you might want to start out just for a few minutes outside at first, some iguanas can be scared from the birds flying above, noises, etc.

    Sites for you to read: - -

    A great book to read and have on hand:

    Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa Kaplan

    Yahoo has some great sites for Iguana owners... these groups helped me and still help w/ questions .. if you'd like to join: -

  5. well you have to take to granted that since iguanas generally come from climates unlike our own, you must

    recreate their natural environment in order to ensure optimal health. The average

    daytime temperature in the enclosure should be around 85-90 degrees with one area of

    the cage reaching 100-110 degrees. This will serve as a basking area. During the night,

    the temperature should be around 75-80 degrees.

    so the temp. would be a big problem otherwise they like out doors, but if you want my advice no you shouldn't the cage should be inside where you can control the temp. better.

  6. As long as you have a mild climate and a SECURE enclosure.  But that is definitely big enough.  If the weather gets harsh take it inside and put it in a small room, or let it walk around your house.

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