
Can I Stay At The YMCA?

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I have problems with anxiety and paranoia and have finally started to seek help for it and i'm taking medication.

My family have been COMPLETELY unsupportive and have almost made a joke out of the situation. This has resulted in me falling out with them and I dont want to be near them anymore because they just make things worse.

I'm 17. There is a YMCA in my nearest town which I know has accomodation, do you think that they would let me stay there? And is it free? How long would I be able to stay before they move me on or whatever??

Also, if anyone has ever stayed at a YMCA, whats it like?




  1. I have no idea if they let people stay there and doubt that they would let u anyways. U are 17 and still considered a minor. If u want to be on ure own u would either have to have ure parents consent, go to the courts and become emancipated or just wait until u are 18. Im sorry that ure family is being so mean.

  2. Some YMCA locations have rooms for people of low income to rent.  They usually are cheaper than other places, but they might not let you in because you are still a minor (under 18) and cannot legally sign a lease contract.  Most rooms provide for your basic needs (bed, chair and dresser) but will not be very big and probably won't have luxury items like TV or phone.  Some only have a bathroom located down the hall from the rooms and you will share it with others.  As long as you are able to pay for the room, you can stay indefinitely.

    They do have counselors available and I suggest that you go to see one, even if you aren't staying there.  They have caring people who will be able to help you cope with your home situation and maybe give you some solutions in dealing with your family.

  3. try meditation to get rid of your anxiety. and don't run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a rough world, and all it will do is make you more anxious.

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