
Can I Still Be Covered Under My Parents Car Insurance?

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Im currently under my parents car insurance policy, I got married not too long ago and was wondering since I got married can I still be under their car insurance? Thanks




  1. Sure you can, but your spouse should probably be added also, especially if both of you are driving one of your parents' cars.

  2. 1st  all the cars would need to be registered to your parents...

    2nd If you do not live with your parents and they are garaged somewhere else at another address you would need to be added as a driver and shown the other address on the policy.

    Oh yes add your wife too as a driver...

    3rd and probably most important...  Your auto insurance follows you from car to car that you drive.  Rental cars friends cars.etc.  the medical insurance alone is valuable.  Be upfront with the agent.  Don't hide it.  Insurance comapnies poicy forms are designed to cover broadly but I will tell you if an insurance company can deny a claim because information was withheld they will deny the claim.  Judges are not so quick to cover the claims as they did years ago.  Insurance companies have been screwed by the public for so many years if they fidn a reason to get off a claim they will.  Most claims are cut a dry and they willl cover with no questions, but if they smell fraud forget it...

  3. Do NOT listen to "olrazdad"  They are wrong.  Insurance follows the car, not the person.  If I am driving your car and I hit someone, your insurance covers it, not mine and more than likely they will penalize you for it. Anyway, yes you can be under your parents policy, you can change the garaging address of you and your spouses vehicles and as long as you both are on the policy there should be no problem.  The insurance companies just want to know if there are any potential risks, that why you need to add your spouse.

  4. It'll save you $ as long as you can get away with it.

    Technically you should be off of their policy when you move out of their house

    I sincerely hope your wife isn't driving that car UNinsured?

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