
Can I Sue - application for drivers licence?

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I have paid a person/company for a service which is basied in Turkey - they have not provided this service have had my money of cause. Is there anyway I can claim this money back. HELP!!




  1. You can sue anyone for anything if you can find an attorney willing to take your money.  And yes, you can ask for your money back.

    Your chances of getting it are slim though, most places that promise to get a license for you if you just pay them are scam artists after your money.

  2. Not to be a smart alec, but remember that "" is just a domain name - there has to be an real entity or agent (person or corporate body) behind it to sue.

    If you paid by credit card, there is a possibility to rescind payment for non-provision of services... (but CC was probably not the wise option in this context.)

    If by Western Union e.g., the onus is entirely on you with regards to payment recovery.

    If you can find the person, if they have an address, it's technically possible to sue them - maybe even with just a name. As the previous poster said, you can probably sue anyone if you give money to a lawyer.

    With respect: considering this enterprise's sphere of activities, and the location (outside the EU), what would you expect to achieve? Would you expect to get your money back, or to even cover the costs of pursuing it? Would you risk as much time and energy, or with as much (or as little) likelihood of success by just asking? Was this a gamble to begin with?

    I'm genuinely curious: how long ago did you pay?

  3. Its a con, a fraud i.e a criminal matter,  report it to the police. Just tell the police it was for translation of documents. The fraudsters hope that by offering a service which is illegal you will not pursue it. I would imagine that some of the responses you will get here will be from so be careful.

    Also report the matter to the payment agent i.e the bank you used or Westen Union......

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