
Can I View Planets With Naked Eye??

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The says that Jupiter is in magnitude of -2.16.(see

I wanted to ask that when we can view many dim stars with naked eye so can we also view Jupiter with naked eye?? Because I think -2.16 is a very bright magnitude.




  1. Sure you can, the  "naked eye planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

    A modest binocular will even get you some of Jupiters moons:)

  2. Yes, You can ... However they will just appear to be large stars and not too noticable

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  3. if you went outside and looked at night it would be hard to miss jupiter.

  4. no it's impossible to see Jupiter with a naked eye. The only planet that can be seen every night is Venus and Mars at some point.

  5. As a matter of fact, 3 are visible just above the horizon at sunset.

  6. Yes, you can.  Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are all naked-eye visible.  Venus is the brightest, followed by Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, then Mercury.  Yes, -2.16 is very bright, so Jupiter is usually easy to spot.  

  7. Yes... and no.  You can see five of the planets as very bright "stars" but they are just points of light, using just your unaided eyes.

    In April 2036 will there a chance to readily see all five naked-eye planets at the same time in the evening sky.

  8. Make sure your eye wears underwear.

  9. no, only venus

  10. Yes, Jupiter is easily visible these days, in the southern sky after nightfall. It will appear to move across the sky from east to west as the night progresses, too slowly to notice its motion. Magnitude -2.16 is indeed a very bright object; you should have no trouble finding it, as it's the brightest object in the sky until the moon comes up several hours later. Clear skies!

  11. Yes, you can see five planets with the naked eye, but you probably won't see any details on them.

    It is a very bright magnitude, and I've been observing Jupiter myself lately. :)

  12. 5 of the planets are easily visible to the naked eye. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is the brightest star in the sky tonight. Venus is brighter when you can see it, but just now it is still too low on the horizon to be obvious. Wait a few weeks and Venus will become more obvious as it gets higher in the West at sunset as it comes 'round the Sun in its orbit.

  13.   Mars and venus are both quite visible.

  14. Yes.  Venus for instance is the third brightest object in the sky (when it is up), after of course the sun and the moon (excluding the ISS).  Jupiter and Venus are bright enough to be seen in daylight.  Mars can also be very bright, brighter than stars.  Saturn is pretty bright, but some stars do outshine it. Uranus is technically bright enough to be seen under the darkest skies, but very dim, difficult to distinguish from faint stars.  Mercury too is fairly bright, but does not get into dark skies, when it is up it is in the morning or evening twilight.  Right now (at night actually) Jupiter is very prominent in the evening sky.

  15. no and yes

    no-because the planets r 2 far away 4 the nakad eye 2 c..

    yes-u mite think yur lukin @ a star but yur reely lukin @ a depends on how close it is 2 earth

  16. Hi, I think it is possible to see some planets through the naked eye but i would recommend a telescope because it makes the planets clearer and easier to find!

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