
Can I access my wells fargo online banking and activate credit card internationally?

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I'm going for a vacation for 1 month (outside the US).I was wandering if I can make payments (paying US credit card/utility bills), transfers etc. outside the U.S. using online banking.?? and I recently applied for credit card about 2 days ago, it havn't arrived yet. Once it arrives it will be mailed to me by my girlfriend (not yet activated) to a foreign address. is it possible do that to a foreign country?




  1. Can you access your Wells Fargo account on line from the Internet in another country? Yes. Where ever you have a connection you can access anywhere else. That is the nature of the Internet.

    Your card usually needs to be activated from the phone number you have on file. You can call them and I am sure they will ask you the usual gauntlet of questions, social security number, etc... and activate it for you.

    You can use your card abroad but keep in mind you need your billing information to reflect your mailing address in the States. You won't be able to complete certain transactions automatically. Example would be buying gas in a foreign nation and the pump asks you for your zip code. It will be matching it with their own system of zip codes and not your US zip code.

    You can however go into the station and handle the transaction the old fashion way. With a signature.

  2. normally you have to call the bank to confirm you've recieved your new card to activate it. So i guess you can do that and answer the usual security questions. I cant activate new cards online.

  3. I have done online banking from abroad.  I did not have any problems.

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