
Can I add aloe vera, lavender oil to a mild soap?

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I am looking into creating my own cleansers.I was going to start with store bought castile soap andthen adding aloe vera (straight from plant), and essential oils such as lavender, orange, etc. Has anyone done this before? Links/recipes would be great!

FYI-It will be a liquid shower soap for the whole family




  1. There are several that you can make home made soaps

    you are right about the lavender and castile soap

    you can use it for body wash or shampoo or both

    do not make up too much at once not more than what you would use in two weeks.

    it is best to keep it in a dark glass container

    I know that it is not safe to use tub side so I found that if I kept most of it in the dark glass container and only took out what we would use in a couple of days it will last longer. I use a plastic container that you can not see through.

    if you keep most of the soap in a dark glass container it will keep for up to 6 months.

    now as for the aloe vera juice/gel

    do not add it to the whole thing or it will go bad

    if you want the benefits of the aloe add it to what you would use that day.

    since there are no preservatives it will go rancid very quickly.

    I have recipes for all kinds of different kinds of shower gel depending on skin problems

    all so recipes for skin creams and hair rinses and such all natural from my Grand Mums herb book (the way they used to make them)

    if you are interested feel free to email me

  2. I wouldn't think theres an issue.

  3. I have never tried this but it sounds like a nice great smelling combination.  

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