
Can I adopt a child as a 30 yr. old single woman?

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Can I adopt a child as a 30 yr. old single woman?




  1. yes you can. No matter what age or marital status you are allowed to adopt or foster a child. Go for it. I was adopted at age ten and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love seeing people who take an interest in adoption. There are so many kids waiting for a "forever home" as we like to call it.

  2. yes

  3. If you are financially and emotionally stable you can.  Being single and 30 will not affect your chances of adoption.

  4. Absolutely, you should be able to qualify.  Different agencies have different requirements.  Do some local research and you will be able to identify where you will be more likely to meet the guidelines.

    Good luck to you!  Parenthood is amazing!  The hardest thing you will ever do, but awesome.

  5. dind't angelina jolio

  6. Age and marital status does not have an effect on the outcome of adoption.  

    The problem you may run into is just the length of time it takes to actually adopt a child.

    Good Luck to you!

  7. yes, my mom has for years and she is 53 now,

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