
Can I adopt domestically while in America on a F-1/F-2 visa?

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Our family is living in the States while my husband attends Law School. He is on a F-1 Visa, and my son and I are on an F-2 Visa. We are interested in adopting, and are considering adopting domestically (within the United States.) I am having difficulty finding any information regarding this on line. Does anyone know if this is even possible or what the process might be? Thanks.




  1. It depends on the law of the state. I think it would be hard to adopt since you are here on a visa.

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  2. It is possible. You would be adopting as a citizen of another country. Canadians and many Europeans for example frequently adopt children in the United States. It would depend upon the route you took to adopt (private adoption or State), if State also the laws governing in that local. You would need to decide private or public and then contact the child services for that area.

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