
Can I adopt my ex-fiance's biological child?

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What if she is willing to relinquish her rights...?




  1. If shes willing to sign the papers then its easy, have your attorney draw up the papers and have her sign them and get a judge to sign off on them.  If shes not willing to do it then theres not much you can do.  Shes the biological parent and in the eyes of the law thats what matters.  You have no legal right to the child and no judge would let you take her away from her mother.  Im sorry, love doesnt always conquer all

  2. Nope you don't have the same DNA you have no rights unfortunately

    You are a good person for loving that child and wanting to keep her in your life after her mother was s***k to you.

  3. Yes if its a case of negglection or crulity to the child you can file a suite against here and adopt the child. If you can not file good hard evidence to the court then you probably won't be able to. I would be a long hard battle, but in the end it all depends on if you have evidence or show good proof if that you can give the child a better home. I hope you find this helpfull and hope that you get guardianship of your daughter.

  4. You cannot do it without her or the biological father's consent. Good luck with that... and you are terrible for wanting to take a child from her mother just because the mom cheated on you.. take your anger out the mom not the kid..

  5. If she's willing to give up her rights then you can, only if you are approved to adopt.  Since you aren't part of her biological family, you can't become her parent unless you adopt, which will take a lot of time and paperwork.  

    I recommend talking with an attorney.

  6. My father adopted me when I was 5. I can't remember if it was right before they got married or after. My biological Father was to appear in court to relinquish his parental rights, he thought if he did not show up that they could not go through with it. However, they take it as an involuntary release anyways. So, to answer your question yes you can adopt your daughter but perhaps communication is better than none. Talk to your ex about wanting to adopt, she just might agree. Also, ask her if she can stay with you full time. You'll be suprised at how far being civil could get you.

  7. get a lawyer, you are going to have to have either get her and the father of the child's permission, or you are going to have to sue them both for neglect...which is not going to give you the child right easy way about it without consent...get a lawyer

  8. She would either have to agree to it or you would have to prove that she is not "fit" to be the legal guardian. It's gonna be really hard though if she doesn't agree to it because she is the biological mother.

  9. It is possible to adopt the child.  Basically, you'll have to do it as if the mother is a stranger to you.  She and the bio dad will have to consent.   Look up the laws on private adoption for your state.  You'll have to have a licensed social worker do a home study.  The first thing is to ask the mom, because if she says no, chances are, it won't happen.  If you and the mom separate though, try to be a dad in every sense of the way like you have been.  Almost any man can father a child, but it takes someone really special to raise and love a child, and be the "real deal" father.

  10. Take this to court...But it WILL be hard because the Mother usually wins....even if you have taken care of the child for all those years...She's the real blood line too...of the child. Winning the Trial WILL be hard like I said but you should get a good lawyer if you really want the child...the jugde will know if you REALLY want the Child.

    P.S. - Don't listen to that non-Dna/Taking the child away from mother/....You will always have a chance in court....wether it .000001% or 99% you never know what might happen...You don't need same DNA to get child because youv'e been taking care of the child since birth...Adoption was made in a way so i could give the child to someone who CAN take care of her/him. The Agreeing thing might have to happen but the Dad might agree since he doesn't even know the child and he might want what's best for it. The court might force the mother to agree.

  11. I hate to break it to you, but it'll be a hard case to win.  The worst thing when my ex left me was having to hand over "his" daughter to his parents.  I had raised the child, even saved her life in a way (by getting her to the doctors that FINALLY diagnosed her cancer), been with her through some really rough times, and was the biological mother of her half brother!  Yet, when her dad decided to take off, suddenly "poof", I had no rights to her!!!  

    You may have a chance, however, if her mother is truly willing.  It's unlikely that you'll be able to "adopt" her, but you may be able to become her legal guardian.  Be VERY careful though.  The main reason that I had to send my...  (ugh, I never know what to call her) my son's sister to their grandparents was because my ex was being vindictive.  I don't know if he thought his leaving just hadn't hurt me enough, or...  or...  what, but he kept calling and threatening to call the cops and say I'd kidnapped her!  

    I got a little lucky in that their grandparents moved closer so I still get to see her every once in a while, and the kids can know eachother.  

    Good luck.  I feel for you and your daughter, I really do.

  12. good............idea.................

  13. you can only do this if you have prof that the mom is not to take care of the daughter.

    you need a good lawyer.

    but the prob with the child laws is the court always favors the women so good luck man really

    i hope you get her

  14. Go find a lawyer

  15. I'm not sure how, but you can't adopt her if she disagrees, yeh... cause I think it'd be hard to let her agree. She's a mother anyway.

  16. wow, youre a great person...  call a lawyer, he can send you in the right direction.  Good Luck

  17. Ask later

  18. It's not just the mother who has to relinquish her rights.  The biological father has to relinquish his rights also.

    Discuss it with them both.  She probably will not agree to sole custody but maybe joint custody.  Just a note, if you adopt her and the mother is the custodial parent, you have to pay her child support,

  19. You can get an adoption lawyer.  However, unless she is willing to give up her rights, you don't have a fat chance. You have been  living together 'for years' and never legally married. You are not even a step-parent. You are legally NOTHING to this girl.  So, unless you have mom's cooperation, you are SOL.

  20. Talk to her about it and before you do make sure you have more than enough proof to prove that she has been an unfit mother just in case it goes to court so you are ready. I had to do that with my ex and I have custody of both his daughters now. Their mom didn't have a choice after she walked out on them when they were toddlers and never cam back then he was never there for them and I had plenty of proof for that and brought it to court with me. They gave me temp custody to see how they would do and they finalized it 6months later. That was 6 yrs ago! So it is possible.

  21. No you can't without her consent and she needs to tell who the father is if for nothing else when the child get's older and wants to know. This is truly sad case. Are you sure that your not wanting to punish this mother for cheating on you. If you really feel like this is your daughter then you should have no problem paying support when she breaks up with you or are you going to use the card she's not my biological child to get out of that.

  22. yes you can for sure!!

    My father's father adopted him that way.

    his parents never went through with the wedding but after their break up, my dad  was still adopted by his now father!!!

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