
Can I advertise Avon this way?

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I've just started selling Avon and I always assumed I could advertise via MySpace and Facebook - not really "advertise," per say, but just post bulletins and notes talking about upcoming products, etc. I kinda planned my customer base around this, as I live away from the majority of my family and friends.

But... after searching, I've heard/read that a rep isn't even allowed to mention Avon on social networking sites. Is this true?

Anyone who can give me the real answer?




  1. You would need to talk to Avon corporate and see.  Frankly, I don't see that as a viable way of reaching customers.  It seems to me like it would just be annoying and I would probably delete you as a friend.  Consider using an email campaign instead that people can sign up for who actually want to receive these messages.

  2. Refer to the reference guide u should have gotten when u signed on with AVON. There's a section on advertising/promotion policies. It states that you can not use social networking sites as a means for advertising the selling of Avon products. It specifically mentions MySpace and Facebook.  Go to Click on resource library. Look under tools and find/click on policies&procedures. They have the guidelines listed and some samples for other ideas.

  3. Did you read this in your original "contract" paperwork with them? If so, then I wouldn't risk it.  

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