
Can I advertise my house privately even though it's on with an agent too?

by  |  earlier

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My house has been on the market for far too long and I've dropped the price twice but there's still no interest. :(

My question is, can I advertise it privately elsewhere whilst still leaving it on the market with the estate agent please?

If so, do I need to inform them before doing this and if it sells privately, would I need to pay the estate agent anything?





  1. you can but you will still have to pay the commission if you signed an agreement.  is the agent showing the property?  this is a bad time for sellers of property.  the market is at the bottom and has not  leveled off yet.  today i heard on the news that the housing market dropped another 8percent in july. change your realtor  after your agreement is over.  maybe another realtor can do better.  

  2. Yes you can advertise your house privately, might be good to let the agent know.

    You will not have to pay commission to the agent, as long as they have not introduced them previously.

  3. Yes, you absolutely can advertise privately to sell your house, but even if you bring in a buyer, you will still have to pay the real estate agent their commission.  There is no way out of it, you signed an agreement with the Realtor.  If it has been on the market that long, did you check to see when your listing with the Realtor is expired?  Maybe you might want to try someone new.

  4. Yes, you can advertise it on your own, but if it sells, you still have to pay your Realtor the listing commission.

  5. Sure, but if you signed a contract with the agent you'll still owe the comission. If you intend to do that you should ask her the best places to buy ads.

  6. You probably can advertise it yourself if you want to, but almost surely would still owe the agent their commission if you sell it yourself.  Read your contract.

  7. It depends on the contract. Most estate agents will expect their cut, even if you sell it yourself. They do this to protect their business against fraudulent vendors.

    If there's no interest from buyers, the price is too high. There's no such thing as a "right" price for your house; only a price at which both you and a buyer are willing to settle. Advertising may help in attracting more viewers, but unless they offer to buy, it won't do much good.

  8. You can but once you got a buyer inform the estate agent to follow up on the sales.  

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