
Can I appeal what a college is saying I owe?

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How do I do it? It was my first time ever going to college and I didnt know what I was doing. I signed up for some classes at a college but a month before school started I decided to go somewhere else. Now since I never "unenrolled" in those classes they are charging me $733 and I have to pay it all before I can go to school next semester. I never went to this school. Is there anything I can do? I want to go to school but cant until I get it cleared up.

By the way Im on financial aid.. at this time in my life there is no way I could pay that money to them.. Any help would be greatly appreciated!




  1. I agree with Found-1 you are probably liable for this debt, as you failed to notify the college in the time frame they establish for dropping classes.  That was a spot reserved for you, someone else could have had, and that how the bills (professors salaries, etc.) get paid.  At least try to negotiate the bill, in writing, but I fear you're on the losing end.  

  2. Usually there is an appeals process for everything.  But you will be denied if you simply didn't un-enroll.  That spot was reserved for you and if you had un-enrolled they would have given it to someone who would have shown up if you would have told them.

    Sorry, not what you want to hear, but some schools will let you get on some sort of payment plan for old balances.  Be sure you get this taken care of.. schools can turn old ballances over to collections which will hurt your credit.  

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