
Can I apply for a visa AFTER I arrive in Australia?

by Guest33520  |  earlier

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I may be traveling to OZ next month with my boyfriend for his work. Can I go there as a visitor first, then apply for a visa after I arrive there? How should I go about doing this?




  1. I don't think so. Do they let illegal immigrants in the US apply for visas after they are here?

  2. Watch border security! You won't be let in I can guarantee. Your boyfriend is coming here to work not you buddy. You need to apply for a visa and then be accepted.

  3. You need a visa to visit as well.

    Unless you're an American Citizen in which case you can stay for a tourist based stay up to 90days without a visa. You are not supposed to look for work and can not work while on a tourist stay.

    Apply for the visa first.

  4. No you will need a visa before you arrive in Australia otherwise you will not be let in.

  5. Here's the website for online visas.  It should take the hassle out and answer any questions you have:

  6. NO, you must apply before you leave your country

    it wouldnt be fair to all those people doing it the right way

  7. NO, you must have a visitors visa even for a hloiday , to work theres  no chance,  if thats what your after, apply before you leave were ever you are, no one can enter australia with out a visa of some kind, except australians of course

  8. no you cant.

    bassicly they have to aprove your visa twice.

    when your first apply for one in another country. and then the accept and process the visa when you arrive (when you land at the airport)

    if you wanted to come on a tourist visa, then change to a working visa, you would have to leave australia, apply overseas and then return (you dont have to return to your home country to do that)

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