
Can I apply for job at a store that I was arrested at when I was 13 and now I'm 24?

by  |  earlier

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When I was in the middle school, I shop lift at a clothing store and I was locked and charges were brought against me by the store, but I went to a retail theft class to keep it off my record, now that I'm 24 the same store is hiring part-time and I would like to apply, but I'm not sure if I should because I was arrested there when I was 13 yrs old, that was the first time I every stole anything, and I haven't been in trouble since then. What should I do?




  1. Yes you can. and  when it asks if you have ever been arrested you  can and should say no. ( if you were 13 )  They have no way of getting that info as an employer.  Most times  u  do the class and  once complete its kinda  locked  away.  but once u hit 18 it  was hidden  in your records. I don't want to say it was taken off b/c it wasn't and wont ever be.  FBI etc.  can still find it there but  employers  can't see it .  

  2. You can apply if you want to, but don't expect to get hired. Even though it's been almost 10 years, I think they would still have a record of your name (since they were the party who made charges against you).

  3. WOW you must be desperate. Why would you even want to work there?

  4. You can apply - whether they hire you or not is up to them.

  5. i don't believe your record as a minor is looked at when they do a background check on you.

  6. do you have to apply at THAT store?

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