
Can I apply to be a substitute and apply for my teaching credential at the same time?

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I currently live in CA and will be finishing my second semester of student teaching in Nov/December time frame. I will be applying for my teaching credential relatively soon, but I need a job to hold me over... so I was considering being a substitute in the mean time. Can I do this? If you have any advice, or suggestions I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much!!!




  1. You should be able to do this.  Just check with your local district to find out the requirements for subs, it is usually like 60 hrs and a background check.  Substitiuting will give you experience and a "foot in the door".

  2. I would definitely apply to sub!  And once you're on the sub list, make sure you go back and check in with the school you student taught at so they know they can call you.  It is often hard to find good subs, so if the school already knows you, you've got an in!

    On that same note, though, don't put all your "eggs in one basket" so to speak.  Make sure you work for a few different districts/schools so that many people get to know you.  Good subs are hard to find, and sometimes districts/schools don't want to hire their good subs because they don't want to lose them!  This happens less if the sub has worked in more buildings, so more people fight for you!

    Good luck!

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