
Can I ask a question?

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Are women treated more leniently than men in the legal system?

For example:

20% of child payment claims are false but there has "not been a single prosecution of a woman for making a false claim"

False claims are a criminal offence, and they also mean that men pay maintenance for children that are not theirs. Is the non-enforcement of this fraud law typical of the way women are treated in the legal system?




  1. I think so. It's almost as unfair to women as it is to men, since it implies that we're too dumb/weak to take care of ourselves/our own children without the man's help.

  2. It seems unbelievably biased but the facts support it.

  3. La Rose is a fembot

  4. I think the legal system being more lenient to women is demeaning. I don't like it any more than you.

  5. Of course. It has always been lighter. Feminists will say otherwise, but whatever....

    What's worrying is that the female crime rate is increasing. The last thing we need is more people who could have otherwise been productive in prison, and more crimes being committed.

  6. Questions pertaining to questioning the questions underlying the questionability or inherent redundantly redundant rhetoric of modern Feminism in an attempt to find a complete and utter and exhaustive understanding of this brilliant movement of love and advancement of love and loviliness and love of mankind and lovability and Nazism and Destruction of Natural order and advancement of misandry and irrational hatred of just about anything you can imagine using self-serving rhetoric and incessantly attempting to re-define "oppressive" terms from standard English, e.g. "toilet" and confusing the h**l out of young people which is so important to keeping the membership completely in the dark about just what a twisted philosophy modern Feminsm is par for the course.

    Questions are not nice.  Questioning and critical thinking are bad things that no one should be allowed to do per Feminist dogma.  No more questions may be asked by order of Andrea Dworkin.

  7. Yes!  My ex-wife was caught committing perjury 4 times (per false domestic violence charges) by different judges.  Not one penalized her.  

    Please answer this one, Yahoo hasn't posted it yet.
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