
Can I ask my doc for a membrane sweep?

by Guest59044  |  earlier

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I'll be 40 weeks at my next appointment on Tuesday. Would it be okay to ask him to do a membrane sweep and what are the chances that he will actually do it or do I have to wait until I'm like extremly over due?




  1. It is perfectly ok to ask to have it done. My Dr. did it at the 40 week check up with my first two. You do have to be dilated to at least 1cm before having it done. Keep in mind this doesn't always work and sometimes just makes your uterus irritable- causing uncomfortable contractions that are not efficient or strong enough to dilate and efface your cervix farther. Other times it works like a charm! Good luck.

  2. Well it will probaby depend on whether you are dialating at all or are even close; which I hope you are at almost 40 weeks. It might help your case to him if you are in a lot of pain and aren't sleeping, or there is some other medical type reason you guys can come up with to do it.

    I understand you are probably severly uncomfortable, but are you sure you want to rush it? My friend's dr. did that to her, and her labor was so long, and the baby was sideways. He wasn't even in position. I wouldn't rush your baby if I were you, he/she will come when they are ready.

    Good luck! And Congrats!

  3. They will do it most likely, it depends if you are dilated though, cause if you aren't then they can't do it.  It doesn't hurt to ask, and they shouldn't make you go extremely overdue. My son is due today and my doctor booked me an induction at the hospital for the 30th (10 days overdue) so if I don't have him by then I will be induced.  In the mean time I have an appointment on friday and another on wednesday where she will stretch my cervix and probably give me a sweep as well to try get things going on their own.  But yes I would ask if you want one and I am sure they will do it.

  4. a lot of times that late they dont have a problem trying it instead of induction. it never hurts to ask. good luck with baby!!

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