
Can I ask the landlord to change the light bulbs?

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the light bulbs went out. I am just renting a room. Can I ask the landlord to help me fix it, or do I have to fix it myself?

I am not sure what is appropriate because this is the first time I am living out on my own. Please teach me, thank you.




  1. well anything that breaks (providing you haven broken it) it is the landlords responsibility to fix it, no matter how minor. But in this case i would have to say just go buy the lightbulbs yourself and replace them, otherwise you will be waiting for weeks to get them fixed and have one pissed off landlord

  2. come now...if you are going to live on your own then you need to start to be a little independent!!....make sure the light is turned off...then unscrew the light what is on it and go to the store and get a new one like it....then s***w the new one in and turn on the light!! the landlord for more serious things or else he will get burned out on you calling him for every little thing

  3. do it yourself if you feel uncomfortable then by the light bulbs and ask them to do it... is is your responsiblity to supply the household stuff like that.... does he supply your toliet paper

  4. If the bulbs have burned out, YOU replace them,

    If the electrical system is on the fritz, you can talk to him about that

  5. it is your landlords responsibility to ensure you have correct fittings and fixtures. in saying that it would be deemed extreme to "demand" light bulbs to be fitted but if you cant do it yourself be tactful and ask nicely. its not worth having a landlord on your back.

  6. you may ask them if they have any replacements but don't make a big deal if you have to buy your own, only a handicapped person should ask their landlord to do something as simple as changing a light bulb for them

  7. Unless your Landlord is some kind of monster, I think it will be fine to ask him to help.  Normally, one would change their own light globes but if it is just a room you are renting, then the Landlord might prefer to do it.

    Just ask, there's no harm in that...

  8. simply...yes

  9. you can ask, but by no means is your landlord obligated to do it.

  10. Go to the dollar store and buy some light bulbs.

  11. Sure, you can ask the landlord to help you fix it, but you also can fit it yourself, here how, stand on something so you can reach the lightblub, get a towel and place it around the bulb,

    the towel is in case the blub breaks you don't want to cut your self, un s***w the blub going counterclock wise, ask the landlord or whoever lives there if they have another on, or go buy one yourself, then s***w it in to the socket and turn on the switch,,, You done it

  12. They bulbs went out because you were using them. It's probly your responsibility. Those would fall under "consumables". A land lord would be responsible for a bulb in common area, but you are responsible for your living space.

    Don't be so petty. Buy a d**n light bulb, or be prepared to sit in the dark.

  13. yes, if your renting, your landolord has to do everything!

  14. Why don't you ask your landlord if he/she has any extra bulbs for the light fixtures in your room, since you don't have any. We've rented our basement out in the past and if our renter asked for a light bulb, I told them where to find them or went and grabbed some if I was out. I think it would be appropriate for you to ask for some bulbs.

  15. Oh!!! for crying-out-loud!!

    Go and buy a light bulb!! and put a new one in....

    You really should   be still at know?

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