
Can I ask to be induced at 38 weeks?

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I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my second daughter. I have just found out the person who was going to look after my 2 year old daughter while I was in labour will be overseas! My family lives 4 hours away and my husbands family lives overseas. I now it is selfish but I'm so scared I will have to go through labour on my own. I was induced with my first daughter due to high blood pressure and I have been having high blood pressure this pregnancy. I had steriods at 30 weeks due to a threatened premature labour. Do you think it is selfish to ask my midwife about this? Or should I hope my mum makes it in time to care for my daughter? Sorry for all that info, just so you understand the full picture. Thanks in advance.




  1. It is not selfish but wise.  I know many persons who have induced.  One friend induced to make sure she had the baby before her doctor went on vacation.  I just had my 3rd child.  Each one induced.  The first 2 were medical reasons.  The 3rd was late so we induced.  With this last baby I had the same fear.  My sister was going out of town and I would have no one to care for the other kids.  I would ask the midwife to induce.  They may not want to because most midwives prefer not to go that route unless there is a medical condition, which high blood pressure fits. Good luck  

  2. Your two year old daughter could actually attend the birth. She will need to be well prepared (but you have time). Make sure she has a support person (if there are no friends or family available consider hiring a doula specifically for the purpose of preparing and supporting her). Show her birth videos to get her used to the sights and sounds.  Practice making labour noises yourself and help her see that you are ok. Play games around the birth theme.

    I was present at the birth of my sister and it was a beautiful experience that helped me appreciate my mother and welcome my little sister with open arms. 24 years later we are still really close.

    Talk to the hospital about what, if any, support they can offer.

    See below for resources.

  3. go ahead and ask your midwife

    this is not saying you will - your only getting information by doing so

    however- a child is ready to come when a child is ready. forcing it along - and im not a midwife but i think this is morally wrong.

    i would never force a birth along - unless for a medical reason that is really necessary!

    a child being made is a miracle - let it run its full course... and let the child have the time it needs

    you will need to have patience when its born too

  4. Im being induced at 36-37 weeks (not for my hips though lol thats horrible they do that!) but because Im a type 1 diabetic and I can't risk him being in there longer, he's already big (genes not my sugars, my a1c is a 6.0 almost unheard of for me) and diabetic women tend to lose their babies if they go full term. At 38 weeks though where Im from you can def ask for an induction and they will consent because at 36 weeks they are considered ok to go, at 38 weeks they are considered full term. Good luck! I'd go for it if I was you, as a soon to be single parent take it from me going through this stuff alone is not what you want trust me!!

    Good luck again

  5. Where is your husband at?

    Your doctor will be able to reasonably tell at your weekly appointments how "close" you are... once you are reasonably effaced and 1-2 centimeters dilated, can't you phone your mother then and tell her to make her way to you?  Four hours is not far, and labor takes a long time.

    So many women are part of this trend to induce as a matter of convenience... isn't the health of your baby a little more important?

    Also, you are 34 weeks along - didn't you think about these things already?  Maybe it's not too late to hire a doula, a support person you KNOW will be there when the time comes.

    Good luck.

    **Edit** LOL at thumbs-down.  I guess natural labor and putting the baby's health first is not very popular around here! ;)

  6. my sister lived 15 hours away & got got our butts on planes, trains & in cars to go help her. ( her husband was in the military, so was she). your family really should go help you. shame on them.

  7. If they feel that it is an okay thing to do they will do it. I was given a c-section at 39 weeks so anything is possible if the doctor feels there is no risk to the baby. I would just go and tell them everything and see what they can do. Did you know that stars get induced at 36-37 weeks to avoid their hips from spreading. What a way to bring your child in to the world. I think your reason is much better. Good luck and just be honest and don't worry about being selfish, labor is hard enough without doing it alone. Good luck and everything will work it's self out.

  8. In certain circumstances such as yours they will sometimes consent to induce. And at 38 weeks you will be full term. I think the only thing you can do is go to your doctor and tell him the situation and ask if he would be willing to schedule you for an induction. It never hurts to ask. I was going to ask for an induction at 38 weeks too but that's because I am having issues with who will be watching my two daughters and their work schedules and not to mention my husband's work schedule. Just ask and see what the doctor says. The worst thing he can say is no.  

  9. Don't asked to be induced. Just have your mom come stay with you, or have a friend come ASAP when you go into labor to care for your daughter until your mom gets there.

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