
Can I be an African American, too?

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If all homo sapiens evolved in Africa... wouldn't that mean everyone in America is African American regardless of skin color?




  1. Why is it all these old civilizations;

    mideast, africa, and the like have such horable governing records?

  2. They say that people that were born in Africa no matter what type of ethncity they are is african... but, I don't think thats true.

    could be though.....

  3. i think, i don't know

  4. That's a tough question...Me myself? I'm frickin' Black, Japanese, Chinese, and Cherokee-Indian...So call me a mutt whatever lol.

    Anyways, Depends:

    Let's have an experiment shall we? Here's human race A.

    A is in Africa, and makes the trek everywhere. B, splits off of A and goes into Asia where they stay, and adapt; Making their skin lighter, eyes more chinkier, and hair darker. Human species A continues along everywhere, until we have the races we do today.

    Probably, the Cro magnum, split off into bunches of groups, in which things had changed it, because it was adaptable anyways.

    We have one generic human race. Okay? But we have different variations, and sort of sub-spieces, but we just nickname that  "race". SO...technically, everyone is related probably. Our genes determine what we look like.

    Just think, if the same gene for everyone was always picked...we would all look the same... 0_o

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