
Can I be charged with a crime for being at a party where there was underage drinking/smoking? If I'm clean?

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So I'm 18 and I was at a party last night where there was a pretty high level of underage drinking and a decent amount of pot smoking. Normally I avoid these kinds of parties, but this was a middle school reunion and I hadn't seen these people for a really long time so I went anyway. I'm very into health so I don't drink or smoke, so if the party had been raided my bloodstream would have been clean and my BAC would have been 0.00 - in other words, it would be easy to prove that I wasn't committing any crimes. HOWEVER, I've heard some people say that I can be charged and convicted of consumption anyway and go to jail?! How can I be convicted of consumption if I can catagorically prove that I was completely sober? Shouldn't the cops care more about the kids actually breaking the law? I know some people say that it's a crime to have knowledge of underage drinking, but come on- do they really expect me to call the cops on my peers and friends for drinking?

I live in Vermont




  1. Good lord, what a scaredy cat. Where were you raised, in a nunnery or something? Pot's a ticket and drinking is nothing and the whole "party" sounds about as ferocious as an evening at a college dormitory. Chill, let your hair down, have a beer -- no one's going to haul you off to the big house cause you had a Bud. If you don't grow some balls, you're going to miss most of life and end up a sad old prune.

  2. I really don't think you can be charged. But, I also think you need to stay away from these types of parties. I can tell you are a very smart guy, and moral. So, stay clean and stay away from pot and drinking. It'll kill you. If not, it'll kill your brain cells. Try talking to my brother!

  3. Yes! You are 18 and the others are minors. You are now an adult and need to act like it. No you don't rat your friends out but when they start doing the activities that are legal the law looks at you as being the responsible adult, they don't give a rats tail about your health.

  4. Ignore Brianne she talking like she crazy....

  5. Trooper 3's logic is sound. I do know that in Vermont if you are holding the party at your house, you can be charged for allow minors to drink. Likewise, if you are caught providing the alcohol you can also be charged. But it sounds like this is someone else's property.

  6. They can't charge you unless you are either under the influence of alcohol or have it in your immediate possession.

    Relax and have fun...SERIOUSLY!

  7. i don't know what the rules are in vermont., but here in california you would be charged from contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

  8. Knowledge of a crime is not enough to be charged, unless the property is under your control. Allowing a criminal act on your property can result in charges, otherwise you are safe.

    You must have some type of active participation to be an accessory to a crime.

    Should you avoid these parties?  When people drink and smoke, bad things are more likely to happen, and you may get drawn into it.  I guess that is your decision.

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