
Can I be cited for a moving violation based on my passenger?

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I received a ticket for not heeding a sign that was obscured due to construction. I pointed this out to the officer and they said that my wife should have known the sign was there and thus the rule of that road because she drives the street a lot (something that came out in questioning). Can I be ticketed for something my passenger should have known?




  1. This officer fed you a line of bull. Take a few pictures of the area and take it to court. The judge will most likely toss it, and the officer might not even show up.

  2. No. I would take that directly to court. It is legal for the passenger to be sound asleep, let alone distracted. He really had no right to question her. You were driving, and you committed the violation. The fact that she knows the street is irrelevant.

    Laurie has a good idea with the pictures. You want to explain exactly how the construction blocked your view of the stop sign.

  3. yeah, like if she throws a cigarette out the window you get a ticket for throwing a lighted object out of a moving vehicle and or littering.  

  4. You were driving?

    If you were driving, you get the ticket.

    You can always go plead your case in front of the judge. In my experience, they are pretty forgiving when theres the slightest chance it was an honest mistake.

  5. if its blocked you can fight it in court and probably get it thrown out.  

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