
Can I be dropped from class for going to jury duty?

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I have been called for jury duty and am in college. I let my teacher know plenty of time in advance because the date is on a day I have class...She simply said I have 3 alotted days to miss and she will drop me if I meet those days, well going to jury duty will meet those days and she said she would not hesitate...but, I didnt think you could be fired from work or dropped from a class because of isn't my fault after all...what should I do, go to the dean or what?




  1. If your in school they can't make you go to jury duty.. don't miss your classes..

  2. Your teacher can get in really big trouble for interfering with your right to jury duty.  Bring a book, it can get pretty boring waiting to be called.

  3. You can get off of jury duty for being a college student.

    Just bring your college ID at selection/sign up.

  4. Personally, I'd blow off school in order to get to sit in on a real trial.  It's a fascinating event and you can learn a lot about how the system works and you get paid to go to jury duty.  Let's see you get paid to go to school.

  5. I will talk to your teacher one more time and bring your jury summons with you.  You are order to appear before the court and you have no choice or face contempt charges.  I am a college instructor and this is one absence in which I would allow.  If the teacher still refuses or can't see the light then talk to the Dean of the Department.  Good Luck.

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