
Can I be fired while pregnant?

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I returned to work around 15 weeks ago, after a fortnight I was signed off by my doctor with post natal depression. I have been back at work for two and a half weeks, everything has been going fine until this morning when I received a letter telling me I have to go for a disciplinary meeting tomorrow. I made a lot of mistakes in work during my pregnancy and have also made a lot since returning. I found out last week I am pregnant again, my boss dosent know this yet. The woman who covered for me is a lot better at the job than me and I beleive they are going to either fire me or try to make life so difficult for me I will leave myself. Does anyone know if they are allowed to fire me when pregnant? If anyone could even offer any advice that would be great. (I am in the UK)




  1. Your performance, not your pregnancy, is the reason for the disciplinary action.  Yes they have a right to fire you if you cannot meet the requirements of the job.

  2. You can't be fired just for being preg,  but if you work is bad, yes they can fire you.  Being preg does not protect you if you do a bad job.

    Stay home with your family

  3. I am not sure but it sounds like the disciplinary meeting is due to your mistakes and has nothing to do with the pregnancy itself, therefore they can.

  4. being pregnant isnt an excuse and I hate when women (yes, I am a female) say they cant do something or they did something (dumb) because they were pregnant.  By your own account, you did poorly at your job.  So yes, they can and should fire you, but it wont be because your pregnant.  Also, if you keep making mistakes due to pregnancy and have issues with post partum issues... here's a tip... CLOSE YOUR LEGS!

  5. Yeah, you've admitted you're bad at your job.  Being pregnant isn't job security at all... Why should he keep you so you can continue to mess up, and take more leave off to have a baby?

  6. Not for being pregnant, but "while" pregnant, of course they can. If you are not up to standard they can fire you. I am not going to fill you up with a lot of airy fairy stuff, you poor thing and all that. Those are the cold facts and they have the right to fire some one after going through the process if they are not up to scratch.

  7. Yes.  You said yourself you did a poor job.  Just because you got pregnant doesn't give you an excuse to be bad at your job.

  8. sure, if you suck

  9. not sure on the law since you are in the UK, but my advice would be to find a job you can handle and be happy in instead of one where you have to look over your shoulder all the time and are not helping out as much as the others.

  10. Yes they can fire you while you are pregnant.  They *cannot* (legally anyway) fire you *because* you are pregnant.  However, if they have legitimate cause for letting you go that has nothing to do with being pregnant they are free to terminate your employment.

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