
Can I be homeschooled by someone other then my parents?

by Guest64580  |  earlier

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I was wondering if I could be homeschooled by someone other then my parents. I've looked online for the laws concerning my state (Florida). But I can't find anything. Can someone help me, find whether or not someone else other then my parents can homeschool me?




  1. It would depend on your state's requirements for homeschooling.  Here, one may have someone other than the parents homeschool as long as they hold a 4 year degree or is a certified teacher.  

    My suggestion would be to check your state's requirements.

  2. well actually yes... theres urself really see i was homeschooled and all my parents did was give me the books. theres schools online that will send you book and supplies. and you do it if you need help then ask your parents. or im pretty sure you could get a tutor. my parents did teach me at first and i had to go to the school just to take my FCAT seeing that it was free but if your in high school PENN FOSTER is a pretty good homeschooling site. but u will need to pay. i would say google it and im pretty sure u will come up with something.

  3. yes, Im a homeschooled high school senior and i have my own "teacher" who teaches me. And when, for some whatever reason, cant meet-i just e-mail her my assignments.

  4. Try looking for a mentor in your state.

  5. yes! and since ur in Florida, you can also do online classes through Florida Virtual School. i've taken a lot of classes through them and love it!

  6. Florida law requires that the parents must SUPERVISE the homeschool

    Therefore anyone can teach you, but the PARENT must be an active supervisor.

    The Parent is ultimately responsible.

  7. TUTORS!!!

  8. you could choose to go to conventianl school use the arguement it is good socialisation into society ....your folks could still choose to give you extra support ...home schooling is so lonely and how would you know your parent is experianced enough to stimulate your mind. SOme times it is all about having complete control of the kid ....unless you are ill of course and cant go to school in uk special teachers are funded to come in to the home and do this

  9. yes you can be home schooled by some one other then your parent they may have to pay for you to be homeschooled by someone other then them and if they can afoerd it ask them to do that

  10. Yes, your parents can hire tutors and act as the "principal" of your "school".  The law doesn't care who does the actual teaching as long as you meet the requirements and pass the end-of-the-year tests.  Any person can do it.  My parents gave me a book and a tape to learn how to read, and then pretty much left me alone with the exception of some field-trips and museum visits.  Nobody cared that I didn't see math until late middle-school.

  11. I've actaully been looking into that for my daughter. The tutor thing is acceptable but I know it's really expensive.

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