
Can I be in Trouble by squirting Liquid *** on someones car?

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A few days ago, some lady was on her cell phone and playing with her dog and ran me off the road. I follow her to the post office and squirted some Liquid *** on her car. This stuff smells bad. She must have seen me and ran towards my car and I drove away, since she looked crazy. I think she got my Plate Number and I guess she called the police?




  1. Yes. If you caused damage to her car you can be charged with destruction of property. Even if there is no damage it can be considered vandalism.

  2. If the whatever you squirted on the car causes any damage then you would be liable for the cost for repairs plus punitive damages. If she did get your license number and can identify you too then you're in deep trouble..  

  3. lol!

    just say you did not do it

    just tell the cops you cut her off by mistake and now she is claiming this to get back at you

    I know she cut you off but if you reverse it that way they wont know who to believe

    it would help not to be in possession of said liquid @ss if you are questioned

  4. Yes!  Just because she wasn't driving right, doesn't give you the right to follow her and do that.  Whatever possessed you to do something like stalking her to begin with?  That's a little crazy, like road rage.  She may just look at it as not knowing that she was on the road with you, but instead, her at the post office and a stranger pulling up and squirting junk on her car.  Vandalism.  Good luck, with this one!

  5. yes  

  6. Once the liguid is dry, what evidence do they have? Unless of course there were whitnesses and you used acid or lighter fluid.  

  7. Yes.  The exact charges will vary by jurisdiction.

  8. If you damaged the property of another, it is a crime.  In NYS, it's called "Criminal Mischief".  While bad smell may alone not equal damges, expect to be charged on it at least.

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