
Can I be loved if I am ugly?

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Can I be loved if I am ugly?

I'm not pretty. I'm average.

I'm fifteen, will I ever be pretty?

people only love pretty people, nobody will ever love me because I am ugly




  1. depends

  2. Of course

    It is true what they say about beauty being only skin deep. If young girls worried half as much about what kind of person they want to be, and find instead of the outside wrapper.  Stop and think about if you want someone that looks perfect and treats you like a pet dog that is...

    Looks are a small part of it

    anyone that loves can be loved

  3. ultimately, guys or even girls will look at the physical side FIRST. but once you get to know the person, the attitude and personality reigns over all.

    a guy wouldnt want to be stuck in a serious relationship with a hot girl who is a conceited, self-centered, annoying *****. lol but you know what i mean right?

    and i doubt you are ugly. i dont believe anyone's ugly. im pretty sure you have a certain feature of you that is pretty and attractive. there is at least ONE, at least! one guy in this big, big world that will find you attractive. im pretty sure. dont worry. and the fact that youre still 15, maybe youre a late-bloomer. be patient,  you're still young.

    just look your best by dressing nicely and what you're comfortable with. not too much make-up, but if you want in the future, make-up is good. but remember.. make-up is only to enhance your natural beauty. not to cover you up.

    good luck!=]

  4. You can be loved.

    Not everyone feels looks are a priority.

    You might not be able to have the shallow people, but there are plenty of others who would probably want to get to know you.

    Besides, if you want to you can make up for it with a wonderful personality

    Ugliness is rare, but it is much more than "not pretty".

    If you're just about "average", you don't have to be pretty to be loved. And even still there are "ugly" people who are loved just the same.

    But just because you see your self as "not pretty" does not make you ugly in any way.

    I suffer alongside you. I feel myself to be ugly as well, and I have a hard time seeing through it.

    The truth is I could have some happiness if I truly wanted it, but I hold life to high in terms of expectations.

    You do not need to do the same.

    You'll make do with what you've got, and I'm sure what you've got will do.

    Heck, if worst comes to worst, there is always a way out, albeit a sad one.

    So try to lighten up with me, and see if things just don't get a little better day by day.

    What do you have to lose?

  5. well, i'm average too, but i have a boyfriend.

    i don't think its about looks entirely.

    you should try becoming more confident =)

  6. You arent ugly, most people just have a bad image of themselves. You can always find someone to be with you, and looks are not as important as you think. If you really are worried about your personal image, ask a friend about helping with a makeover, it may help increase your confidence.

  7. someone should love you for whats in you heart, if they don't then they don't deserve you, remember never judge a book by the cover, and remember the story of the ugly duckling, it grew up to be the most beautiful swan, the best way to be be beautiful is to be happy,

  8. Remember the ugly duckling turned into a swan.You probably are not as bad as you feel.Even the most attractive people feel like you do sometimes.We are our worst critics and dont see ourselves as others see us.Even if you were as ugly as you think you are there is a lid for every pot.I dont like attractive people.They love themselves more than you do andare unfaithful because they can

  9. hey dear i like u thats y i added u in my contact list. dont feel this stupid things. you are good and more persons like me will accept u soon.

  10. Are you ugly? Alot of girls say they are ugly even tho they are very beautiful. People have different tastes so while some may thing you're ugly, others will think you're really pretty. If you have an ugly personality, then it doesn't matter how pretty you are, people will think you're ugly.

  11. Yes.

  12. Cheer up girl! A special someone has gotta be out there! Someday you won't be single

  13. depends on ur financial status and personality

  14. Plenty of people do!

  15. when the time comes..

    you'll find your 'orince charming' that'll loove you so much..

    so DONT WORRY!

  16. Sounds like a typical teengage girl to me.

    You'll be fine in a few years.

  17. I'm sure you've already heard about the story of the Ugly Duckling. And I also know how some cynical people say that fairytales don't come true but this isn't just a fairytale.  Being 15, you're still in the puberty stage and it's in this stage that changes occur in our bodies and not all changes are, of course, "lovely". It is on this stage that pimples come out, we have oily face and such. I should know because I was once 15 too and I wasn't the prettiest girl in class. Nobody courted me ever, and for us girls that could really damage our self-esteem. But one way to compensate is to keep yourself clean and neat and do good in other areas, say for instance academics, sports etc. Eventually, when you age you will blossom into someone beautiful. Don't forget that, cliche as it may sound, INNER BEAUTY also counts. Feel good inside and it will shine through. Confidence is s**y darling and don't forget that the head that that neck carries is also important. Smart is s**y too :) Don't worry, that's just a phase. You'll be over puberty eventually.

  18. Yes, though it will probably be by another ugly person.

  19. Cheer up no ones ugly!!!

    try grooming urself !!! but remember ur true love will love u for who u are not what u wear and how u look !!!! n remember true love waits for everyone!!! =D

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