
Can I be pregnant? I ovulated on CD 20 with a 25 days cycle. OPK way darker then control line. ?

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AF has not come yet I am now on CD 32. Took HPT got negitive result. Has anyone experiance a situation like this and was pregnant? If so what cycle day were you able to get a positive hpt?




  1. You always count 14 days after lh surge to get your estimated af date.  Expecting af after only 5 days after opk positive isn't enough time to allow any fertilized egg to implant.  It takes 5 days just for the egg to reach the uterus then it still has to implant itself.

    Your af should arrive or be missed on Sept  6th.

    Wait until after the 6th to re-test

  2. I would wait at least 3-4 weeks starting from the day you ovulated to do another pregnancy test and allow time for your cycle to come naturally on its on. If it is still negative then , then most likely you are not, and I'll call up the Doc for another round of Provera / Clomid.  Baby Dust to you Anyway, it'll happen, don't Fret.

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