
Can I be related to...?

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I have been studying the Tudor family for a long time now. I mean the Tudor family that ruled England for a little over a hundred years. The Tudor family consists of King Henry VII,King Henry VIII and his 6 wives, Queen Mary I, and Queen Elizabeth I. I found that there is a family that was related to the Tudors but I didn't bother looking up their family tree. So, do you think there is an way I can be related to the Tudor family through that family? I am wales just like the Tudor family so I am hoping there is a chance I can be related to the Tudors. If you answer please answer truthfully and don't be mean because I seriously think there is a chance of someone to be related to them. Thankyou!




  1. There's only one real way to find out.  You need to do your research.  Start with you and who your parents are.  Then who their parents are  and so on.  You need to work backwards too see if you link up with this other family of which you refer.  

         Take the information you get and put it in three categories.  What is proven, what needs proof and what doen't 'jive'.  Don't just go by names.  The world's population is estimated to be just over 6.684 billion.  It stands to reason that not many of those people have a name unique to themselves.  

    You can probably find a way to link yourself to this family (on paper).  The question is if you want the truth, or if you want to be connected to this particular family.  The odds are that you are not connected.

    As for me, my grandparents were Italian peasants; something of which I'm proud.

  2. The only way to know is to trace the family and find out starting with the present and working back one generation at a time.  Having the same surname is really not an indication.  Not everyone with the same surname comes from the same root person of that surname.

    In England most people had a surname by the end of the 14th century.  When they received or took a surname it wasn't impossible for legitimate sons of the same man to have a different surname but they could have each shared their surname with others not in their family.

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