
Can I be stopped from parking on a McDonalds car park with no signs displayed there?

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My freind and me have recentlel started to car pool to work to help with the carbon footprint and rising fuel charges, in the morning we meet up in a McDonalds car park which is central to us both and handy for getting on the motorway. This morning I was approached by a young girl who informed me that her boss said we weren't allowed to park on the car park. My dispute was that there is no signage on the car park saying it is for customer use only or that you are limited to a maximum amount of stay. When I pointed this out to her the only response I got was "my boss said you can't park here" I occasionally call into the store to get something to eat when I pick the car up at night so technichally I am a customer.




  1. No sign is necessary, though many places do post them. Parking at businesses such as Mickey D's, are allowed by unwritten law to restrict parking to time spent there as a current customer. Hey, think logically. What if more people did as you've chosen to do? All sorts of business would turn into non-paying parking lots for people and limit spaces for real customers.

  2. The car park is private property, so the owner has the right to limit the use of it.

  3. Not if you have big curly orange hair, a clown face and yellow and white stripey clothes

  4. Probably can't stop you doing it...but will probaly get you towed.................

  5. if theres no signs then they cant clamp you, tow you or even give you a parking ticket

    there has to be signs in place saying customer parking only and something that mentions you will be clampped/towed/ticked

  6. The car park is private property, and the owner has the right to refuse entry to non-customers.  It doesn't matter if you go there sometimes.  If you didn't buy anything that day then you're not a customer.

  7. Can we come round and park in your drive, then?  Bet you don't have signs up . . .   Most asinine "dispute" I've seen for a long time.

  8. OK, you said we can all come and park on your drive.

    But you COULD have said "no", couldn't you? That's the point - your drive, your rules.

  9. They cops will still tow it and laugh, on the way out with a bigmac on their breaths.

  10. i think its a real cheek you leaving your car in a place that is intended for their customers...they are running a business - not a freebie car park for you.

    if McDonalds own that have no right to be there & run the risk of being either clamped or towed away.

  11. if there is no sign, then technically they cannot do anything

  12. It's private property. Yes they can tell you to move. But if you are only there for a short amount of time in the morning then I would talk to the boss and let him know what is going on.

    you can't park there over night. they will tow you. i've had this happen. There was a mcdonalds right across from my dorm in college. and every one parked there at night. one morning i woke up to my car gone, and so was my roomates...

  13. They can do that.  Find somewhere else.  Maybe a Grocerery store or Mall Parking lot.  Watch out for signs.  Are there any "Park and Rides"  Thanks for Carpooling,  My Daughter and I Car Pool too we only work about a half mile from the other.  Wish more people would  be willing to do this.  With the prics of Gas the Buses in our Metro Area have noticed increased usuage. and have even added busses

  14. It is private property. They can have your car towed and you can't do anything about it. Go find somewhere else to park.

  15. Think about it - do you have a sign on your driveway saying that people should not park there? If you don't have a driveway, then have you ever seen one in any persons drive? No, I suspect you have not and the reason being that it is private property. MacDonald's, as much as I hate them, are a private company and their car park is private property. They therefore have the right to decide who parks on their land and when.

    In all realms of of common sense you can not describe yourself as a customer. If you leave the car there all day and disappear somewhere else then you are not a customer at that time. You are only a customer when you are inside their premises, not when you are miles away.

    I am sorry but what you are looking for is something for nothing i.e. free parking and any modicum of common sense would tell you that what you are trying to justify is indeed unjustifiable. MacDonald's are in the business of selling horrible food not providing parking for free loaders.

    Edit - to respond to your additional points. The fact that you have used this restaurant in the past is immaterial. If you are not inside it at the time of parking then you are not a customer. b) the fact that the car park is empty or otherwise is not of any concern or relevance, it is still land owned by the restaurant. c) why should people only be able to park in your drive when you are out at work? Perhaps they work night shift so would need it then. d) The fact that you pay road tax does not entitle you to free parking anywhere. Road tax is simply what the last word states - a tax. It does not grant you any privelige or right and if the money from all the road tax went into what it implies then Britain would have the best road transport sysytem on the planet.

    I don't mean to sound aggresive in this, just answering your question and responding to the points that you have made.

  16. no sign= no violation..

    that simple

    and yes, u are indeed a "certified" customer

  17. Yes, you can get towed, and it'll be legal to tow you.

    The fact that you have had conversations about the parking space, and given the fact that the property is indeed McDonald's.

  18. the lots are for custemer parking and it is privite property so they can tow you if you leave the property

  19. I don't know if it is legal or not to prevent you from parking there all day long.  But think about it... most McDonald's parking lots are not that large & their customers will want to use the parking lot.  It certainly seems reasonable to me that the management would prefer you park elsewhere.  If you feel ethically entitled to park there, then you should check with the police to see if it is indeed legal.

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