
Can I be sued for defamation of character

by  |  earlier

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If a builder doesn't deliver on their promises, aggravate a disability, leave holes in the home they build for you and a host of other problems, can they sue me for defamation of character if I have proof (emails, photos and doctor's statements) of these incidents and go to the news with it?




  1. I suspect this builder does not have much of a reputation to defame. Anyone can sue anyone if s/he has the money to do so, however.

    I would be surprised if your doctor was willing to state as a medical certainty that your condition was aggravated by this, but the rest of it would be safe. Of course, if you sue the builder, the allegations in your complaint would be public record.

  2. Truth is a defense to any slander or libel in the u.s.

  3. They can sue but will they win if you have evidence.  Why aren't you suing them for damages????????

  4. they can but by the looks of things you have everything covered..good on you today I am proud of woman...make sure you keep all of these things,get yourself a lawyer,make copies of everything and hide them somewhere safe just in case...I really wish you all the best...

  5. If they did they would likely loose

    Defamation is a hard case to win.

    They have to prove you told a lie and that the lie you told about them caused them some type of loss.

    Most will first send a letter to quit Then they will file a suit

    However as long as you have proof and you are telling the truth then the heck with their threats of court.

    Stand your ground

  6. If the work was so shoddy, i do not understand why you aren't the one

    bringing suit against answer your question, you can ''SUE''

    a ham sandwich,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,doesn't mean they automatically will win,

    or you for that matter, however if you are in possession of documentation backing up your claim that will go a long way in court

    .that will benefit your counter claim, that i hope you will put in motion like ''YESTERDAY''......Hope i helped.

  7. Sure they can sue. If they can win or not is another question. The best defense against a defamation of character suit is showing that what you said or wrote is the truth.

  8. In order for a defamation of character suit to be filed, they would have to prove that you knowingly told lies about them that hurt their business and their standing in the community. If you have documented proof to back up your claims, it is not defamation, it is merely stating the truth. Just because some has good business practices, it doesn't mean they don't mess up once in a while. When they do, they should pay.

  9. Not really since they didnt live up to their contract. You can sue for shoddy workmanship, breach of contract, maliscious vandalism, amongst others

  10. Make sure you have all your ducks in a row before you go public with anything like that caus u can b sued.

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