
Can I be taught to not say the words in my head while I read?

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When I read I say each and every word in my head, almost like a voice that only I can hear. I don't mouth the words, I just say them in my mind if that makes any sense. It's hard to explain and so far only people who do the same thing know what I mean. Anyways, I hear that that dramatically slows down a person's reading and comprehension while reading. I wanted to try and find a way to make myself stop, but my searches have yielded nothing of what I was looking for.

I am not looking for a solution that says that it can make me a better reader. I already take classes and have special software, so a solution like that is unneeded. I want somethign that specifically talks about the "mental vocalizing" problem I have. I want anything that mentions the causes and anything gives solutions.

Thanks, I will gratefully appreciate any help you can provided me.





  1. It sounds like the reverse of dyslexia?

    Try Books on tape, then read the books, see what happens?

    You should take a look at Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz. She is a physician that specializes in brain research in dyslexics. You might get a clue there.

    Also, ever hear of earworms? Songs like Downtown and Yellow Submarine that get stuck in your head? NPR radio had a show about this recently. I bet you have something like this, a reversed neuron or two .

      Also, Werinicke's dyslexia is the form of dyslexia where a person can read, but has no idea what it means.

  2. Well everyone does that who can question is how on earth do you comprehend something when your no reading it to your self? If you don't hear the voice in your head I don't see how your even registering what your reading...just my thoughts on it .... good luck on what your looking for

  3. i have deffiently heard about this before.

    and when i try, although it is hard, it is possible.

    i was thinking of some ways to stop and here is what i think might work.

    instead of focusing on just one word at a time focus on a group of words. and continuously move your eyes down the line.

    i have the same problem, except when i'm writing something down. i mentally spell the word out...its strange tho i don't do it when i type.

  4. I have never been able to comprehend anything I've read that I have not heard the words in my head . I do not think it would be possible . this is a normal way to read . there are ways to read faster , if this is what you are concerned about

  5. Maybe the doctor could figure out what you have.And no I am not being mean when I said that.

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