Hi all! I'm a declared vegetarian but I'd like to become total vegan. The only problem is that most stores don't sell vegan foods as a whole. I love and respect animals and I'm very happy to know that I no longer consume animal meat anymore. The only meat I'll ever eat anymore is vegetarian meat. While I do regularly consume dairy products made by animals, can I be vegetarian but still consume dairy products with no animal meat whatsoever? I feel that I'm not directly consuming a food product that the animal had to die for. However, I do realize that these corrupt and evil factory farms kill these innocent animals after they're deemed uselss, which should be illegal and called murder by the way, but I feel that I'm doing no harm becuase I'm just consuming what these animals produce. If a person didn't slaughter them, they wouldn't die at all on their own for just producing a food product for humans. That's how I make peace with myself. Any advice for me? Thanks!