Hello there, I have had a strong urge to become a police officer for many years, I got serious about it when I was 26 (im 30 now), so I committed to a 4 year goal I went and recieved my Associates degree in Criminal Justice, in 2 years I made sure my job stability stayed that way, I stayed out of trouble of any kind, I cleaned all if any black marks on my credit and I became semi-fluent in Spanish( my wife is Hispanic so it made this easy) I also served a few years with the national guard, but was unable to finish my AIT due to an ankle injury but spent 2 years with a unit (split-Op) so I do have the basic training experience, all this was for one goal in mind to become a police officer.
Problem is when I was 20 I was into street racing and thought I could outrun a patrol officer, I had never been in trouble before so I was charged with a class B Misdameanor and given a 9 month probation and 24 hrs cmty service, all served no problems, my question is with all Ive will I get a job?