
Can I become a Police officer , Do I have the credentials?

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Hello there, I have had a strong urge to become a police officer for many years, I got serious about it when I was 26 (im 30 now), so I committed to a 4 year goal I went and recieved my Associates degree in Criminal Justice, in 2 years I made sure my job stability stayed that way, I stayed out of trouble of any kind, I cleaned all if any black marks on my credit and I became semi-fluent in Spanish( my wife is Hispanic so it made this easy) I also served a few years with the national guard, but was unable to finish my AIT due to an ankle injury but spent 2 years with a unit (split-Op) so I do have the basic training experience, all this was for one goal in mind to become a police officer.

Problem is when I was 20 I was into street racing and thought I could outrun a patrol officer, I had never been in trouble before so I was charged with a class B Misdameanor and given a 9 month probation and 24 hrs cmty service, all served no problems, my question is with all Ive will I get a job?




  1. You could do it. Your misdemeanor isn't going to stand up to your degree and your guard time...and you'll find out in cop school if your ankle can handle it. Go for it!

  2. That alone won't stop you.  When they ask about it tell them the episode gave you more respect for the police.

  3. Maybe.  The time between your offense and now seems well spent.  I think the ankle injury may be more of a problem then the fleeing charge will be.

  4. If you let that hold you back then no won't have the credentials.  Just be ready to explain and demonstrate maturity and growth since the incident.  I would wager if you applied to 20 agencies at least one would hire you.  Apply for some positions and find out.  

    Good Luck

  5. You are perfect for a small town cop. Then move up.

  6. Well, it depends upon the agency that you're applying to. Each one has it's own criteria about misdemeanor convictions. Your conviction didn't have anything to do with alcohol did it? DUI- That's almost always a deal breaker.

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