
Can I become a hippy if I don't smoke herb? It gives me an anxiety attack. ?

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No2Cent, remember that everyones system is different. It really does give me a panic attack. Blessings




  1. weed gives me anxiety attacks also, the top contributor (loser) has their facts wrong AGAIN! No surprise there though.

    If you want to be a hippy do some research on the net about how this way of life came about, to be something or someone, first you have to understand. Peace.  

  2. yeah.  i'm pretty sure it's more of a philosophy/mindset thing.

  3. Actually not smoking herb makes you more of a hippy.  As you know, hippy movement was essentially a movement against the government and corporate control of individuals.  It was a statement against war, against greed, against oppression.

    Buying herb finances large drug dealing conglomerates which often oppress individuals in third world countries and in the US in order to make a profit.  From the columbian farmer to the mexican drug mule to the 16 year old selling this stuff on the streets of New York, everyone is victimized, while drug bosses get richer at their expense.

    Bottom line:  not supporting the pot dealing (and the legal cig dealing) establishments is a very hippy thing to do.

  4. Being a hippy is not about the drugs. It's a lifestyle you choose to live. Love everyone and everything around you.

  5. Smoking bud just helps you get the mindset needed, because it makes you not care so much about unimportant things

    You can totally follow the lifestyle without partaking, and it's a nice way to live

    Luck! :3

  6. Sure. A lot of hippies don't do drugs. save the rainforest

  7. I hate to say it, but probably not. You might as well have short hair and wear a suit and tie. I suppose you could do acid, if you could get any (much of what's out there right now isn't) and didn't mind the very real risk that you'd go irrevocably insane.

  8. Being a hippie has nothing to do with drugs. It never has. Some hippies like to do drugs, so it came to be that the hippie stereotype smoked weed. No, you don't have to do drugs of any kind. Free your mind. Seek peace. Become one with yourself. You don't need drugs to do that.

  9. If by being victimized you mean earn enough money to keep their family's alive by providing a profitable crop and give the 16yo some extra cash to help put food on the table for their parents/grandparents. Even the largest cannabis crops are usually run by less then 20 people all up.

    Weed does cause problems in people with pre-existing mental problems/instability; personally I've never run into anyone with this or experienced it myself but i'm always wary of introducing people who could possibly suffer from these things.

    Weed has always been popular with hippies due it being natural, it's lack of health drawbacks and it's illogical treatment by the government.  Not to mention the apathy it creates which goes well with hippies :)

  10. thats fine. it makes me a little paranoid at times too. you can tell people you have asthma. besides if you smoke weed all the time you never get anything done and you get chubb

  11. being a hippy is a way of life not exclusive to smoking anything.  It is a frame of mind.   a state of being

  12. your so full of c**p your eyes are brown!! my dr. prescribes me weed to prevent anxiety attacks! it can not and doesnot cause far as being a hippie is concerned weed is no more a pre-requisite than wearing a headband or a tie dyed shirt.

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