
Can I become a professional tennis player?

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I am 15 years old, 5'10/11....120 pounds.... i bench press 95 Lbs (10 reps)... i lift 30 Lb in one hand (6-10 reps)........Last year i ran 100m in 13.68 and 11:23 for 3km run.... I think i can do ALOT better now, ive been playing alot of Tennis and soccer and ive trained so much.

I played tennis for about 8 months now, according to my coach.. I've learned the game faster than anyone he has seen before and im about a 4.0 player (just need to get my 2nd kick serve deeper to the service line).....

Honestly i think i have a decent chance at going pro but i need to confirm it because most pros have been playing since such a young age (basically im lookin for some confidence from some experts?) My coach keeps givin me bullcrap about i can go as far as i want, humans set their own limitations... Can i go pro betime i'm 20-24?

P.S... I plan on devoting 80 percent of my life to tennis (excluding skool)...and I have my first 2 tournaments this weekend.....




  1. yes

  2. no, i am a 15 year old competetive tennis player top 10 in georgia(best state in the country) and have heard it numerous times, only about .01 percent of junior players go pro, but you can defiently go Division 1 which is what im training for.

  3. Sorry, but it is very unlikely. There are many amazing players that don't even make it to the pro level. I'm sure that you are learning fast for how short of a time you've been playing, put most pros start at age 5. They spend their whole childhood and teen years living at a tennis academy. It is their life. No offense but you haven't put in enough time to go THAT far.

  4. Go for it, mate.  If you score a few wins in your division, great.  Then start playing guys older than you, see how you go.  Do not be afraid to lose to the bigger guys if that what it takes to develop.

    Define your game.  Do you have a weapon? (physical or mental) What's your weakness? What areas do you need to work on.  

    Always play somebody better than you, learn from him.  That should give you an idea where you stack up.  

    Good luck.

    Re: Turning pro requires you have a track record to show for it.  You're a long from it so start working.

  5. Well honestly it sounds like your braggin but I mean no one here can tell you if you can go pro.

  6. To reach the pro level, you would basically need to get to a 7.0 rating.  There is already a huge difference between a 4.0 and a 5.0 player.  Its like comparing a high school player and a collegiate player.  Anything is possible, but it is quite improbable that you'd make it to the pro level.  School should be your primary priority.  Work hard in school and on the courts, try to get a scholarship to a good school (with a good tennis program), and you never know what can happen.  Also keep in mind that getting to the pro level alone won't net you the big bucks.  There are plenty of pros that barely make a decent living.  Getting a good education will open more doors to a successful career, and a happier life.  In the mean time, go ahead and dream big, have fun, and work your butt off (in school and tennis).

  7. 15 years old bench pressing 95


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